Find a PCIT Therapist Near You
Welcome to the most comprehensive list of PCIT Therapists from around the world. Our Parent Child Interaction Therapy provider map for the United States is searchable by state and our International PCIT therapist map is searchable by country so you can find PCIT therapists near you.
Please note, we are not responsible for the continuous verification of the training and skills of PCIT therapists listed in this directory. It is always good practice for families to inquire and assess the training, experience, and skills of a PCIT therapist before starting Parent Child Interaction Therapy services.
Questions you might want to ask your PCIT therapist before starting treatment include:
Are you Certified in Parent Child Interaction Therapy?
How long have you been providing PCIT services?
How much experience do you have in helping a child like mine?
What should I expect from PCIT services?
What is your cost per session?
If applicable, what insurance providers do you accept?
Related Articles & Resources
Please note that the recommendation of particular websites, resources, or support groups does not necessarily indicate an endorsement of all the opinions or content within them.

Find a PCIT Therapist
To find a PCIT Therapist in the United States, click the button below
*We are not responsible for verifying the training and skills of PCIT therapists listed in this directory. It is always good practice for families to inquire and assess the training, experience, and skills of a therapist before starting PCIT treatment.

Find a PCIT Therapist
To find a PCIT Therapist around the world, click the button below
*We are not responsible for verifying the training and skills of PCIT therapists listed in this directory. It is always good practice for families to inquire and assess the training, experience, and skills of a therapist before starting PCIT treatment.